Affects our personal, body life and impacts our home as well as our relationship within the local church.

Questions to Ask

  • How are you living out your faith as a testimony to lead those in your home and those closest to you?
  • How are you connected to others in authentic biblical community for growth and encouragement?
  • How are you encouraging others through faithful corporate worship?
  • How are you learning to minister to others and provide spiritual support?
  • What is your next step in this area of your Christian life?

Resources to Consider

Practical Steps

These are just a few ways you can live as family.

Join A Small Group

Small groups meet in locations all over RDU at various times throughout the week. Search through our open groups by clicking below.If you have additional questions about finding a group, contact Pastor Dave at

Find A Group

Worship Together

Commit to worship with the Southbridge church family on Sundays at 9a + 11a. We worship through song, pray, hear a message from the Bible, and connect with others before and after the services.

Share Prayer Requests

Our team is ready to rally around you through prayer. There are two ways to submit a request:

Fill out the form below or call 919-789-9955.