Ready To Connect?
These special events provide an easy on-ramp for anyone new to Southbridge and those who have been attending for a while and are ready to learn what the church is all about. Each step of our connections process provides a unique perspective about the church.
Southbridge Basics (formerly Second Step) provides an overview of Southbridge's basic beliefs and how to live them out. Attending Southbridge Basics is required for church membership. Lunch and childcare provided for free. Click below to register.
February 16REGISTER
Take a behind-the-scenes tour through each of Southbridge’s ministries immediately following the first service. No registration required. Meet in the back of the auditorium (look for the banner) following the first service.
January 19GROUP MEET
Group Meet provides an opportunity to learn more about small groups at Southbridge, meet small group leaders, and hopefully join a group. Free childcare is available for birth – 6th grade. Register below.
January 21 REGISTER