Given 4U: A Christmas Series This Christmas season, we invite you to experience a life-changing message. Based on the powerful prophecy of Isaiah 9:6, this series...
Fall Series in the Book of James The Book of James provides a practical guide for Christian living that brings together lessons on faith, wisdom, and perseverance for...
2024 Summer Series: Eyewitness Every encounter with Jesus has the power to profoundly change us. The Bible is filled with accounts of ordinary people who met Jesus,...
Welcome 2 New Southbridge Elders [VIDEO] The Lord continues to bring strong leaders to help lead Southbridge. In October 2023, the elder board recommended Adam Gilbert and Keith...
Healthy Relationships Shouldn’t Be This Hard, Right? Navigating relationships can feel like a journey filled with uphill battles, right? One misstep and a relationship fractures. We’ve...
Time to RE:imagine We must wake up to the reality that many of us are “over-churched” and “under-Jesus’d.” The American church has fallen asleep....
New Year, New Series Feel weighed down by stress, bitterness, and the mess of life? In the space between regret and resolve, a new year awaits you. It...
Christmas On Display Series Preview It’s Christmas time again! In homes across the city, fresh and artificial trees stand adorned with festive ornaments. The streets are...
New Pastor – Mitchell Neldon [VIDEO] We’re excited to welcome Michell Neldon as the newest staff member and pastor at Southbridge. Mitchell will fill the new role of...