Super Sunday Food Drive Results On Sunday, December 9, Southbridge hosted a food drive in partnership with Raleigh Dream Center to collect non-perishable food items. The...
Renovation Project Begins Over the past few years, our Family Ministry has experienced steady growth, and we’ve reached a point where space in some areas is...
Christmas Offering 2024 Results This Christmas, we took the next step in responding to the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene in Western North Carolina. We committed...
A New Series to Start 2025 The American church has grown complacent, prioritizing comfort and cultural battles over Jesus’ mission to make disciples. This shift has...
Give to the 2024 Christmas Offering Southbridge has stepped up in an incredible way to respond to the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene in Western North Carolina. Over...
Given 4U: A Christmas Series This Christmas season, we invite you to experience a life-changing message. Based on the powerful prophecy of Isaiah 9:6, this series...
Year End Giving Details 2024 We are grateful for your generosity and faithfulness to what God is doing here at Southbridge. Your financial gifts allow us to continue...
Fall Outreach 2024: How You Can Participate It’s October, which means it’s time for our annual Neighborhood Fall Outreach. Together, let’s own our impact and start...
Support Western NC [UPDATED] UPDATE: OCTOBER 10, 2024 The response to supporting Western NC has been overwhelming. This is still a huge need for supplies and those...
Why We Support Orphans in Uganda [VIDEO] Uganda is home to over 2.4 million orphans. For Rose, supporting and loving these orphans is a personal mission. That’s why she...
Fall Series in the Book of James The Book of James provides a practical guide for Christian living that brings together lessons on faith, wisdom, and perseverance for...
3 Trips, 3 Stories Southbridge took five mission trips during the summer of 2024. Each person on each trip returned with at least one story of a meaningful...
2025 Mission Trips At Southbridge, our mission is to connect people to Jesus for life transformation. While we focus on reaching Raleigh, we also recognize...
Panama Team Prayer Points Will you pray for the Panama team as they serve at Heart’s Cry Children’s Ministry from July 28 – August 2? During the trip, the...
VBS Highlights 2024 [VIDEO] Thank you for your prayers! Over 200 kids and almost 200 adults spent a week learning about and celebrating the Good News of Jesus. Praise...
VBS 2024 Prayer Points We’re ready to start the party! Over 180 kids and 160 volunteers will spend the week learning about why the Good News of Jesus is...
Colombia Team Prayer Points Will you pray for them as they serve alongside Southbridge-supported missionaries Rob + Debbie Stafford from July 13-19? Pray for the team...
Madagascar Team Prayer Points Caden Moore will travel to Madagascar from July 8 – 26 to serve Southbridge-supported missionaries, the Baker family. Here are three...
Brazil Team Prayer Points Our Brazil mission team travels to São Paulo from July 5 – 12 to support Southbridge-supported missionaries, the Matias family. Here...
2024 Summer Series: Eyewitness Every encounter with Jesus has the power to profoundly change us. The Bible is filled with accounts of ordinary people who met Jesus,...
Uganda Team Prayer Points Our Uganda team has arrived. They will serve in Kampala City and other cities in Uganda to work alongside Second Chance Children’s...
Welcome 2 New Southbridge Elders [VIDEO] The Lord continues to bring strong leaders to help lead Southbridge. In October 2023, the elder board recommended Adam Gilbert and Keith...
Healthy Relationships Shouldn’t Be This Hard, Right? Navigating relationships can feel like a journey filled with uphill battles, right? One misstep and a relationship fractures. We’ve...
Volunteers Support Stonecrest with Dental Clinic Southbridge members, dedicated to owning their impact, set up and ran a dental clinic for the residents of an underserved community at...
Super Ball Collection Results Thank you for donating! In the pouring rain, we collected 130 sports balls and 22 pumps, goals, etc. These donated balls and equipment will...
Time to RE:imagine We must wake up to the reality that many of us are “over-churched” and “under-Jesus’d.” The American church has fallen asleep....
Give to the 2023 Christmas Offering [with Results] RESULTS Thank you for your amazing generosity! Your donations are going to directly create a positive impact for families across the...
New Year, New Series Feel weighed down by stress, bitterness, and the mess of life? In the space between regret and resolve, a new year awaits you. It...
Christmas On Display Series Preview It’s Christmas time again! In homes across the city, fresh and artificial trees stand adorned with festive ornaments. The streets are...
Year End Giving Details 2023 We are grateful for your generosity and faithfulness to what God is doing here at Southbridge. Your financial gifts allow us to continue...
New Pastor – Mitchell Neldon [VIDEO] We’re excited to welcome Michell Neldon as the newest staff member and pastor at Southbridge. Mitchell will fill the new role of...
Guest Speaker – Dan Dumas This Sunday, October 22, we welcome guest speaker Dan Dumas to Southbridge. Dan last spoke at Southbridge in November of 2017. Dan is...
New Elder Candidates 2023 [VIDEO] During both services on Sunday, October 15, Jock Murray (Southbridge’s elder chairman) introduced two new elder candidates to the...
2024 Mission Trips Southbridge is all about connecting people to Jesus for life change. We emphasize our efforts in Raleigh because we believe God has put us...
Rise Up Series Preview Do you wrestle with how to live a faithful Christian life in a culture of compromise? In the Book of Daniel, we find one man with...
Hurricane Idalia Relief Support Thanks to your faithful generosity, Southbridge was able to donate $4,000 to Baptists on Mission’s hurricane relief efforts. Please pray...
Panama Mission Trip 2023 [VIDEO] In June, a team traveled to Panama to serve alongside Heart’s Cry Children’s Ministry. During the trip, the team played and...
Brazil Mission Trip 2023 [VIDEO] In July, a team traveled to Brazil to serve alongside Southbridge-supported missionaries, the Matias family. During the trip, they did...
Guest Speaker – David Nasser This Sunday, August 27, we wrap up our Summer at Southbridge guest speaker series with David Nasser. In 1979, 9-year-old David and his...
Madagascar Mission Trip 2023 [VIDEO] In June, a team traveled to Madagascar to serve alongside Southbridge-supported missionaries, the Baker family. Over two weeks, they worked...
Guest Speaker – Kenny Luck We’re excited to welcome Kenny Luck to Southbridge this Sunday, August 20. Kenny Luck is the Founder and CEO of Every Man Ministries,...
VBS Highlights 2023 [VIDEO] Thank you for your prayers! Over 200 kids and 150 adults spent a week learning how to follow Jesus here, there, and everywhere. Praise God...
Guest Speaker – Chris Kouba We’re excited to welcome Dr. Chris Kouba to Southbridge this Sunday, July 30. Pastor Chris serves as the lead pastor of United City...
Pastor Brad’s Sabbatical Info In 2019, the elders and pastoral leadership team at Southbridge instituted a Sabbatical Policy for the pastors of our church. This policy...
VBS 2023 Prayer Points VBS is almost here! Over 160 kids and 140 volunteers will spend the week learning how to follow Jesus here, there, and everywhere! We...
Guest Speaker – Jarrett Stephens We’re excited to welcome Dr. Jarrett Stephens to Southbridge this Sunday, July 16. He currently serves as Senior Pastor of Champion...
Guest Speaker – Don Pucik We’re excited to welcome Don Pucik back to Southbridge this Sunday, July 9. Don serves as mission strategist for the pastors and people...
The New Southbridge Church Center Your new Southbridge Church Center is here! Southbridge has switched to a new platform that will help you explore, engage, and get...
Guest Speaker – Peter Rochelle As we launch into Summer at Southbridge, we’re excited to have a longtime friend of Southbridge, Pastor Peter Rochelle, with us for...
SENT Summer Series Preview What does it mean to be sent by God? This summer, we’ll explore the incredible invitation extended to us by God to go to the world,...
Summer 2023 Outreach Opportunities Where can you serve this summer? There are a variety of places where you can serve our city this summer. No matter your availability,...
263 Bags for the Community As a church, we packed special Easter gift bags that our strategic ministry partners (see below) distributed to families in need across...
Uncommon Savior Series Preview 6 hours. Jesus hung on the cross. Mocked, beaten, and bloodied. In agony, He shares seven powerful statements. Through His words, we see...
Love In Action Bag Collection (Spring 2023) As a church, we are packing special Easter gift bags that our ministry partners (see below) will distribute to families in need across our...
UNITED 23 Recap [VIDEO] Thank you for praying! 70 Southbridge students and over 500 students from churches across the Raleigh-Durham area gathered at Southbridge...
1597 lb of Food + $10,000 Thank you! We dropped off 1,597 lb of non-perishable food to the Raleigh Dream Center you donated last week. The Dream Center serves over...
2023 Southbridge Communication Survey We value your feedback. Fill out the quick survey (about 5 minutes) linked below and help Southbridge improve what’s communicated and...
Elder Rolloff Recognition 2023 We’re grateful for the godly leaders who help lead Southbridge to help connect more people to Jesus for life change. At the end of...
Understanding God’s Role in Old Testament Violence As you study books in the Old Testament, you may find yourself contemplating some heavy questions about the violence you read about and...
Renew Us Series Preview What would it look for you to be renewed? The Book of Judges chronicles the epic cycle of a people loved by God but continually turning and...